Practical Conversations by Melinda Tourangeau

With Melinda Tourangeau

Practical Conversations by Melinda Tourangeau

Wouldn’t it be nice to simply have a gentle discussion about anything that’s on your mind? No obligations, no baggage. The only outcome is you’ll likely feel better about yourself, your thoughts, your beliefs, and any upcoming decisions or next steps. I am here to simply connect with you through authentic listening and social sharing.

Practical Conversations – an hour of my time and nothing expected in return. This is just to add a little brightness to your day, spring to your step, and joy to your life. It’s simple and carefree. Just fill out this form below and I will contact you with my calendar link via email. We can set up a chance to chat, either virtually or at a local coffee shop.

No strings, no biases, no agenda. Just pure conversation. Someone to listen to your concerns with grace. Just a simple connection between two human beings.

In the meantime, check out my blogs below.  I do a lot of examination on Eternal Truths logged by spiritual masters both present day and past. I study the science of sociology and I remain curious about the “Order of the Universe.” My curiosity generates philosophical questions that spawn my exploration, research, and discovery.

I’m happy to share with you – with wisdom and compassion – whatever I learn from these efforts. I look forward to connecting with you.


What is Mindfulness?

I am finding that more and more people are asking the question, undoubtedly eager for a singular answer; one size fits all, if you will. The truth is, as we study Mindfulness and approach conceptual knowledge of it, we are finding that people integrate it with...

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Mindfulness Practice

I wish it were not so…there is just no easy way to begin practicing Mindfulness. When our triggers have been activated, the emotional thought cycle in our bodies spins up and literally takes over our better judgment. Taking on an intention to practice Mindfulness will...

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Spiritual Awakening and Mindfulness

I recently discovered there is a difference between Spiritual Awakening and Mindfulness.  This realization was so profound to me, that it changed the entire course of my intention to promulgate Mindfulness theory.  Understanding Mindfulness is challenging enough;...

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