In The Zone – Getting There

Mar 21, 2022 | Concepts | 2 comments

“Seek Wisdom through Stillness” – Eckhart Tolle

If we are to take Eckhart’s axiom on faith, then we believe our physical brains are operating like a repeater station for a radio signal. We can receive a “signal” from the Source, or in this case, wisdom. We are always capable of doing this if we have adopted a practice of stopping thinking. The benefits of doing this are profound. When we stop thinking, our minds are a clear vessel and receptacle for Universal Wisdom to come through us.

Then how are we able to do things like create inventions and process information? Well, the truth is, we miss a lot of stuff. If we have had the privilege of going to school and learning a lot of things, then we have conditioned our minds to understand a lot of different aspects of our world. I, for one, have had the privilege of studying heavy mathematics and other highly complex and logical methods needed to do engineering work. I expect if I stop thinking deeply enough, maybe I might be channeled the solution for the Theory of Relativity. I better pay close attention…

Eckhart Tolle said he believes the success of his mission of spiritual teaching was galvanized by the many years he spent conditioning his mind for the field of linguistics. He became a master of the spoken and written word; he conditioned his mind to look at language from many different angles. He could successfully manipulate concepts and definitions in multiple languages with relative ease. Then, in the two years after his awakening episode he was able to process its meaning in many ways for millions of people. He has selflessly dedicated his life to this calling: thousands and thousands of hours lecturing on Awakening and basically, how to cope with the perils of life. If you’re wondering what this all about, check out the book, “The Power of Now.”

This is a profound discovery in the process of Awakening and Conscious Manifestation. We are going to have to take it on faith (at least at first) that our brains are operating like a radio transmission station. When we are still and silent, we can receive the wisdom of the universe and our brains can process the information logically for it to do its work on this planet. To be clear, these are not thoughts that originate in our brains. We are channeled a concept or an idea, and then our minds take over with the conditioning I mentioned earlier.  This is our response to our calling.  This is why when we are doing what we are called to do, it feels entirely different than what we are obligated to do. We get “in the Zone,” so to speak.  Time passes strangely – hours feel like minutes. This is when we know we are doing what we are called to do. Given the brevity of life, wouldn’t it be great to do what we are called to do? The advice is, learn how to stop thinking.

For more information, check out my blog on Learning how to Stop Thinking.


  1. Jack Melamed

    This is so wonderful and helpful, Melinda. Thank you. May we continue to listen to that Voice that calls.

    • Melinda Tourangeau

      Yes, one can only hope we meet our calling head on and we are effective at listening to it.


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