Learning How to Stop Thinking

Mar 21, 2022 | Practices | 0 comments

Ever wondered how to spiritually awaken? I think it best to assign the words,” Spiritually Awaken” to a pronoun and capitalize them. Spiritual Awakening is this “thing” that can happen to us. It is a state we can achieve. And, just like our process to wake up in the morning is sometimes slow, Spiritual Awakening can also be slow. Some people are granted a mental, physical, or emotion ectasis of some kind, but for most of us, it is a lifetime commitment to Awaken.

What I have learned on my spiritual journey is that my desire to spiritually awaken was the best desire I ever had in my life. Therefore, I wanted to share with you what worked for me to achieve an awakened state. I can’t take the credit: Eckhart Tolle remarks there are essentially three practices to adopt to grow Presence Power(1) and ultimately Spiritually Awaken. Two of the ways are to look inside of us and the third way is to look outward.

Here are the three modalities to achieve Spiritual Awakening.

1) Conscious Breathing

2) Inner Body Awareness

3) Sense Perceptions

  1. Conscious Breathing – what is this? It is taking breaths consciously. “That’s not hard; here I go,” you say to yourself. Ok, now do it when you are having a fight with your spouse or scolding your offspring. Or driving or talking to your broker. Yep – not nearly so easy, right? That is the heart of the practice. We must learn how to take conscious breaths no matter what is going on around us. It is best to treat learning how to consciously breathe like growing a muscle – Presence Power, as I am fond of calling it (Eckhart coined that). Practice conscious breathing in a peaceful setting, and then practice bringing that capability into all of the dynamic events of your life.
  2. Inner Body Awareness – this one is a lot harder. If you can already say, “I feel it in my gut,” then you are on your way. Keep doing that, and then when you are in a fight with your spouse, go into the inner body for rescue and pause. If you cannot feel it your gut, then Kim Eng has a hint: “Hold out your hands in front of you and close your eyes. How do you know you have hands?” If this one is baffling to you, you are not alone. Contact me using the form below to get more information on that.
  3. Sense Perceptions – this one is the easiest. When you are alone, look around you, at nature if possible. Reflect gratefully on the beauty of things around you. Then, when you are in a fight with your spouse, look around you. Yep – interrupt the fight. Not so easy, again, right? Well, that is because of the ego, which is a heavy topic for another blog.

Whether or not you want to believe it, these really are the portals to Awakening. There are no shortcuts or easier ways. Is your head buzzing with confusion? I am happy to have a practical conversation about this. Contact me using the form below.

(1)To be explained in a later blog or contact me using the form below.


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